Many groups meet on a given day of the week once a month.  For example, the 2nd Thursday of the month.

To make a repeat booking for such groups, go to New Booking and enter the customer and booking name.

Enter the date and times for the first booking.  For example, 9 April 2020.

The select Repeat to Monthly, and choose the option on the second Thursday of the month.

Note that the option given to you is dependent on the Booking Date.  If you change the Booking Date, the day of the week may change, or the week of the month.  For example, if we changed Booking Date above to 2020-04-06, the repeat option should would become on the first Monday of the month.

If the Booking Date is in the last week of the month, you may get two options, such as on the fourth Friday of the month and on the last Friday of the month.

The option of on the fifth xxxxday of the month is not supported.

Once you save the booking, you will be shown a list of each booking which has been made, so you can check the right bookings have been made.

If there are clashes with other bookings on any of the dates listed, no booking will have been made on that date and you will be warned that Some bookings are missing from the series .  You can then identify the missing bookings in the list and use the Create button beside to make an alternative booking on that date.